Chrome browser google update
Chrome browser google update

Google often will not reveal technical details until such a time as the update has been able to protect most of Chrome's 3.2 billion users. This holding back of detail is not unusual in such cases where a vulnerability is already being exploited by attackers. Not much is known, at least publicly, at this stage about CVE-2022-1096 other than it is a "Type Confusion in V8." This refers to the JavaScript engine employed by Chrome. Go check Chrome for updates now.MORE FROM FORBES Why You Must Factory Reset Everything: A Privacy 1 By Davey Winder What is CVE-2022-1096? Note: if you worry your tabs will be lost on restart, be sure to change the setting so Chrome always restores them when it starts ( More > Settings > On Startup: Continue where you left off). That means Microsoft Edge, Brave, Amazon Silk, Samsung Internet, Vivaldi and many more. And remember, all Chromium-based browsers work the same way. While this can be a hassle, forgetting/choosing not to restart presents an open goal for hackers and undoes the hard work of Google in its attempts to keep users safe. Yes, some updates on platforms like macOS, Linux and Windows can be applied without restarting your computer but Chrome requires the browser to be restarted every time. This is because Chrome will not be protected until you complete this step. The last step is the most crucial and it is one overlooked by many: after every update always restart your browser. That said, for example, a morning and night check can keep you ahead of the pack and you may even receive updates before Google has officially announced them. It is also why following either the Chrome blog or my posts (click the blue 'Follow' at the top of my author page) makes sense because it will eliminate random checks. How often you do this is entirely up to you. Chrome will be forced to manually check for an update.

chrome browser google update

Click Settings > Help > About Google Chrome.Click the three dots in the top right corner of Chrome.Once again, the key is the three-dot/More menu:

Chrome browser google update